Last April, our thoughts were still on the lessons that we might learn once Covid-19 has subsided. Discussions were optimistic and there was hope that people might emerge from the lockdown more caring, more sensitive and perhaps even greener.
Whilst these utopian dreams haven’t quite manifested, the annual World Happiness Report published in March 2021 by the United Nations suggests that we are surprisingly cheerful all things considered.
The Cantril ladder, which is the measure used suggests that we are as happy in the midst of the pandemic as we were before. But there is one interesting change, the pandemic appears to have altered the shape of global happiness with the old emerging as happier than the young.
The report looks at two factors; issues that affect well-being and issues which affect mood. Covid-19 had a significant impact in the short term but as the year progressed people around the world have shown remarkable resilience. Trust or the perception of trust in one’s governments was a contributor showing that a sense of security is important to well-being.
The message from this year’s International Day of Happiness is ‘Keep Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind’ As we face this ongoing global crisis together it is important to find uplifting and positive ways to look after ourselves – and one another.
The concept of “happiness” is not new but it has taken science a long time to recognise the now evidenced value that social connection and a sense of purpose have on well-being. Today we place an importance on positive affect (the individual’s subjective experience of positive moods) in mental and physical health and studies show that happy people tend to live longer and are less likely to have heart issues and hypertension.

Taking this theme one step further the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH), the Asia Pacific Society of Clinical Communication and Hypnosis (APSCCH) and the Malaysian Society of Clinical Hypnosis(MSCH) are organising an international virtual conference.
The theme “Your Mind Matters” will include speakers from around the world who will come together to share their experiences working and offering therapy during the last year of Covid.
The conference provides an opportunity for networking and community and is open to hypnotherapists, mental healthcare workers and people interested in hypnotherapy.
In the spirit of happiness, the conference is free for BSCH, APSCCH and MSCH members and just £5 for everyone else. Do visit our website and have a look at the conference programme and other details.
We look forward to meeting you at the conference. Till then be kind, we are all in this together. Let’s stay connected and reach out to help others who may be in need.